Mattress Money Radio - Episode 2 - Casper North

Here at Holy Mattress Money I’m always looking for ways to get out EVERY SINGLE NOTE.
Part of my dream involves sharing my art — And I think I really like the “radio” format. What do you think?

- Beautiful beautiful people. I want to welcome you to another edition of Mattress Money Radio, let's get it! You already know who it is, it is your boy Jesty Beatz from Holy Mattress Money. I am the founder and the creator and the creator of the sounds. I am that guy and I want to welcome you to another edition of Mattress Money Radio. Oh my goodness, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. The amazing sounds in your ear are brought to you courtesy of Holy Mattress Money and a new artist, a brand new artist. Her name is Casper North ladies and gentlemen, say what is up to Casper North. Yo, Yo, Yo lemme get in my bag and in my feelings real quick. I love this song, this artist is amazing. She's awesome, I love her story. I think that her perseverance is something to be admired. She refuses to quit. Casper North, welcome to Mattress Money Radio. 

- Hello and thank you for having me. Those are some really kind words and they're very much appreciated. I am excited and grateful to be here. 

- So tell us a little bit about yourself. Who are you? 

- Well, I guess in short I am a 90s November child, I'm 25 years old from Northern Ontario. I spend a lot of my time messing around with music. Everything is energy to me so I try to stay aligned, I surround myself with people and things that keep me grounded and elevated. I'm all about love, growth, anything creative really. Life is art basically. So I'm just embracing the beauty of it altogether and trying to make the best of what it has to offer. 

- Aye, I like that. So the first thing I always ask musicians, why music? 

- Well, I feel like I can go on about this for a very long time but music has always been a strong influence in my life. Being raised in multiple households, I was a quite kid, life didn't make sense but music did, as cliche as that may sound. As a family we bonded through music. Our parents were very creative people, our father jammed with us all the time and our mother who I idolized of course sang at bars while she was in nursing school. So we were always exposed to it in different ways from home. And then when it comes to song writing for me, that came naturally as my way of coping, processing life and expressing myself when I didn't necessarily know how too. It was kinda like my own personal wonderland that I had found. So yeah, music is a safe space, it's a universal language, it's elevating, comforting, healing, it unites us. So if I'm being given an opportunity to give some of that to others and share that then I feel like that would be selfish of me not to. 

- Okay, I really like your answers. So refresh my memory. How did we even meet? I don't even remember how that happened. 

- I remember this clear as day! I fangirled, I had just discovered Holy Mattress Money, I had followed the page, got a follow back, and then it was within that week I would say. I had posted a short clip of something I'd written on my story and that's when a conversation started. 

- So what was the first Holy Mattress Money song that you ever heard? 

- To be completely honest with you, I do not remember which of the two it was! It was either Blue Hundreds or Pace Myself. One had shown up on my Facebook feed and then immediately after I listened to the other. So it was one of those two. Yeah, and I've been a huge fan since. 

- Thank you so much for dropping by. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you a little bit better. 

- Well, thank you for having me. The pleasure is all mine, really. Thank you for everything. For your time and the good vibes, much appreciated. 

- So without further ado I want to drop the Holy Mattress Money Music Mondays drop of the week, Darling, You featuring Casper North and Holy Mattress Money. Let's get to it!  

- So Casper, this is your first song, this is your first release. What do you want to say to your fans? 

- This is something I'm still wrapping my mind around, but fans, whoever and wherever you are, I wanna say thank you so very much for your love and support. Whatever this journey holds, I am extremely blessed and grateful to have you by my side and I'm excited to be able to share more with you and essentially grow with you. I love you and thank you. 

- So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, Casper North. So as many of you may know we are releasing a new song every other Monday. That means two times a month you're getting new Mattress Money Music to vibe to and that is amazing I think. I love putting out music, I love connecting with each and every one of you and I love the feedback that I get from you. So, if you like this sort of thing make sure that you follow us on Spotify, Apple Music, TIDAL, wherever you listen to music. Subscribe to it, let's connect, let's live our lives, let's do it.