Mattress Money Radio - Episode 3 - Saturday Morning

Today Jesty plays some classics. HENAO - Atom Bomb and Tiyana Payne - Saturday Morning ft. Jessica Louise.

- I wanna welcome each and every one of you to episode three of Mattress Money Radio. Let's do it!  

- Ay, yo, what is up? It is your boy Jesty Beatz from Holy Mattress Money, and I wanna welcome you to episode three of Mattress Money Radio. What's goin' on? I wanna start things off by thanking each and every one of you for your support on these songs and these projects. It means the world to me. You know, I'm growing and learning as I go, so it means the world to me that you guys are sticking in there and hanging out and enjoying these vibes that we are putting down. You already know who it is, it's your boy Jesty, let's get to it. Let's get to the first record, let's go.  

- So lately I have been releasing a song every other Monday. It has been insane, it has been a learning and growing experience, but it has been well worth it. First we dropped a song called The Unknown, then we dropped Evan McIntosh's album Mojo, which is going insane, by the way, and we dropped a collab with Casper North called Darling, You, and you guessed it, next week, we have another song coming out. It is amazing, it is called Weight Off. Weight Off, like lifting a weight off of your shoulders. You know, this song is like that exactly. It is a weight lifted off of our shoulders. This session was amazing. It was one of those sessions where there were tears and there were laughs, and there was a lot of things shared. But ultimately, we ended up with a song that just kinda like embodied how everyone in the room was feeling. I'm proud of it, I can't wait to drop this song for you next week. Get pumped, get excited, there is a new song coming on Monday. Get pumped, set your calendars, set your reminders, do what you gotta do because guess what, we're taking it to the top and we're running it up. That's what we do. We stuff the money in the mattress.  

- Once again it's your boy Jesty Beatz from Holy Mattress Money. Get pumped, get excited. We've got another song next week called Weight Off. Set your calendars, let's get to it. Have an amazing week, y'all.

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